You are here: Home > Departments > Health & Human Services > Medical Assistance > Chautauqua County NY Connects
Where do I find help and information on services and supports in my community?

To learn more, call
716-753-4582 Mayville Area
716-661-7582 Jamestown Area
716-363-4582 Dunkirk Area
Or go to:
NY Connects Resource Directory
NY Connects: Your Link to Long-Term Care Chautauqua County is a long-term care, point-of-entry program that will help you assess your or your family member's needs, identify the most appropriate services to meet those needs, and help you link to the agency / program that will meet those needs.
Feel free to utilize and contact the agencies and information when looking for services throughout Chautauqua County.
NY Connects Brochure Chautauqua County (English) (PDF)
NY Connects Brochure Chautauqua County (Spanish) (PDF)