Harmon (R), Tom |
Legislator, District 6 |
Tom.Harmon@chqgov.com 716-908-7800 |
Legislature |
Penhollow (R), John |
Legislator, District 7 |
John.Penhollow@chqgov.com (716) 499-2557 |
Legislature |
Landy (R), Phillip |
Legislator, District 9 |
Phil.Landy@chqgov.com 716-499-3877 |
Legislature |
Nagy, Ron |
Lily Dale Historian |
ronnagylilydale@gmail.net 716-595-3044 |
County Historian |
Suski, Harry |
Maintenance |
716-934-3837 |
Office for Aging |
Barnhart, Shannon |
Manager of Airports |
barnhars@chqgov.com 716-661-8930 |
Public Facilities |
Fischer, Shannon |
Manager of Airports |
FischerS@chqgov.com 716-484-0204 |
Airports |
Bell, Julie |
Mayville Supervisor |
bellabbj@chqgov.com 716-753-4154 |
Probation |
Taylor, Devon |
Mayville Village Historian |
devtay@fairpoint.net 716-753-3116 |
County Historian |
Gould, Justin |
Media Information Officer |
gouldj@chqgov.com (716) 753-4644 |
County Executive |
Mesmer-Ludwig, Rachel |
MH Program Director |
mesmerr@chqgov.com |
Mental Hygiene |
Norcross, Mary |
Mina Town Historian |
flhistoricalsoc@gmail.com 716-769-7688 |
County Historian |
Oehlbeck, Matt |
North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District |
OehlbecM@chqgov.com Phone: 716-753-4717 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Brown, Pam |
North Harmony Town Historian |
brownpa1212@gmail.com 716-789-3445, ext. 2 |
County Historian |
France, Tracy |
Office Manager |
francet@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-661-8405 |
Public Facilities |
France, CPPB, Tracy |
Office Manager |
FranceT@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-753-4917 |
Public Facilities |
Brown, Pamela |
Panama Village Historian |
brownpa1212@gmail.com 716-782-4688 |
County Historian |
Yerico, Abby |
Paralegal |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
MacCubbin, Chelsey |
Paralegal |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Lindquist, Rebecca |
Poland Town Historian |
716-267-2112 |
County Historian |
Langworthy, Todd |
Pomfret / Fredonia Historian |
historian@townofpomfretny.org 716-679-9436 |
County Historian |
Pawlak , Rob |
Portland Town Historian |
museum@town.portland.ny.us |
County Historian |
Newman, Ed |
President |
716-934-2170 |
Office for Aging |
Peterson, LouAnn |
Principal Account Clerk |
PetersoL@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-664-9727 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Wilson, Bryan |
Principal Engineering Aide |
WilsonB@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-664-9727 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Shoemaker, Michelle |
Principal Social Welfare Examiner |
716-661-8123 |
Social Services |
Kilburn, Steve |
Project Director |
kilburns@chqgov.com |
Mental Hygiene |
Wilson, Lacey |
Public Health Director |
716-753-4082 |
Public Health |
Anderson, Becky |
Purchasing Agent |
AndersoB@co.chautauqua.ny 716-661-8404 |
Public Facilities |
Hamels, Dr. John |
Ripley Town Historian |
hamels@fairpoint.net 716-223-0112 |
County Historian |
Woodard, Emily |
Second Assistant District Attorney |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Bentley, Erik |
Second Assistant District Attorney |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Sikorski, Shirley |
Secretary |
716-934-3082 |
Office for Aging |
Brant, Nance' |
Secretary to the Director of Finance |
716-753-4223 |
Finance |
Huckabone, Tina |
Senior Account Clerk |
716-753-4223 |
Finance |
Stursa, Travis |
Senior Account Clerk |
716-753-4223 |
Finance |
Babcock, Misty |
Senior Account Clerk |
BabcockM@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-664-9727 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Johnson, Daniel |
Senior Confidential Investigator |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Westphal, Michele |
Senior Project Coordinator - CARTS |
716-661-8488 |
Public Facilities |
Swan, Annette |
Sherman Town Historian |
sherman.ny.historian@gmail.com 716-761-6763 |
County Historian |
Pelletter, Louis F |
Silver Creek Village Historian |
spd/lp@yahoo.com 716-679-6662 |
County Historian |
Ridout, Betty Jean |
Sinclairville Village Historian |
716-962-2309 |
County Historian |
Fadale, Tom |
SPOA Program Coordinator |
fadalet@chqgov.com |
Mental Hygiene |
Snellings, Harry |
Sr. Investigator |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Bogosian, Neil |
Sr. Investigator |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Sipos, Jr., John |
Stockton Historian |
sipos@netsync.net 716 595-3379 |
County Historian |
Gloss, George |
Supervising Operator |
GlossG@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-664-9727 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Adams, David |
Veteran's Service Officer |
716-268-6030 |
Veteran Services |
Rauh, Michael |
Veteran's Service Officer |
716-661-8255 |
Veteran Services |
Suski, Joan |
Vice President |
716-934-3837 |
Office for Aging |
Duffy, Crystal |
Victim Service Provider |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Goldych, Pamela |
Victim Service Provider |
716-753-4241 |
District Attorney |
Wise, Barbara |
Villenova Town Historian |
villenova14138@gmail.com 716-968-3616 |
County Historian |
Freligh, Mark |
Wastewater Maintenance Mechanic II |
FrelighM@co.chautauqua.ny.us 716-664-9727 |
Water and Sewer Districts |
Beigh, Marybelle |
Westfield Town Historian |
historian@villageofwestfield.org 716-397-9254 |
County Historian |
Beigh, Marybelle |
Westfield Village Historian |
historian@villageofwestfield.org 716-397-9254 |
County Historian |