
Drinking Water

Public Water Systems

The primary purpose of the Water Supply Program is to ensure the safety of public water supplies. Each water supply has its own individual source of water, whether it is a well, spring, lake, or surface water.

The Environmental Health Division routinely tests and monitors all community (cities, villages, mobile home parks) and non-community (restaurants, hotels) water supplies to ensure that total coliform and E.coli levels are absent.

Fredonia's Water Supply:  Understanding the Source & Treatment

Learn about Fredonia's water supply and understand the source and treatment. This document was presented at a April 10, 2024 public information panel held at the Fredonia Village Hall to provide residents with a better understanding of the existing Fredonia water system and the areas within the system that require immediate and ongoing attention.

Public Water Supply Operators

Public water supply operators may submit water samples to the Chautauqua County Water Laboratory for analysis:

  • Samples are only accepted Monday - Wednesday 8:30 - 4:00. Please call ahead for schedule changes that may occur around holidays.
  • Samples must be transported to the drop off counter at the Environmental Health office on ice or in refrigeration.
  • Payment is expected when an empty sterile bottle is taken.

If you have questions about sample collection and drop-off please view the Procedure for Collecting Potable Samples.

If you have questions about New York State Public Water Supply requirements visit the New York State Department of Health Drinking Water Protection Program website.

Resources for Water Supply Operators:

Boil Water Orders

In the event of a Boil Water Order please refer to New York State Department of Health guidance for Boiling Water and Emergency Disinfection.

Private Water Systems

The Environmental Health Division will provide technical assistance to property owners regarding their private water supply. Water supply sources include dug or drilled wells, ponds, and springs. For additional information visit the NYSDOH website Private Wells: Protect Your Family’s Water.

Our Chautauqua County laboratory is certified to test water samples for total coliform and E. coli.  If your sample exceeds the safe drinking water standards we can provide instructions to disinfect your well (PDF) or help you make an informed decision on whether you need to drill a new well, add permanent water treatment components, or upgrade your existing treatment system to better serve your needs.  If your concerns are not bacteriological, we can provide guidance for additional water sample analysis by a certified laboratory (PDF).

Drilling Regulations

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulates water well drillers in the state, visit their website for more information. You may also view an up-to-date list of registered well drillers.


If your private water supply requires continuous disinfection there are two (2) choices that meet NYS requirements, chlorination (PDF) or ultraviolet light (PDF). If your home is supplied with surface water or a shallow dug well, filtration (PDF) may also need to me installed to provide additional protection against parasites that are not easily killed by disinfection methods.

Private water samples collected by individuals other than Environmental Health staff are no longer accepted.  If you'd like to schedule a service request for a staff member to collect a water sample, please click here to complete the request form.


Water Sample Fees

  • $25 per sample includes a sample bottle and analysis results - Sample collected and transported on ice by a public water supply operator. Fee will be collected before an empty sample bottle is given.
  • $55 per service request sample - Sample collected and submitted by Environmental Health Unit staff.  Fee will be collected when the appointment is scheduled.