
Foster Parent Open House Session

Start: Jan 14, 2021 - 7:00pm

End: Jan 14, 2021 - 8:00pm

The Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services Home Finding Team will offer a Foster Parent Open House on Thursday, January 14, 2021 from 7-8 p.m.  The session will take place virtually via Zoom.

If you enjoy working with children and you would like to help families in our community, consider attending this event.  During the event, attendees will learn about the various foster care and adoption programs and meet the Home Finding Team.  This event is free and open to the public.  Preregistration is required.

Foster Care services in Chautauqua County provide out-of-home care for children in the custody of the Commissioner of Social Services. Foster care plays an important role in providing temporary, safe and nurturing homes to children when their parents are unable to care for them. Children are placed in foster homes in situations where they have been removed from their own families because they have been abused and/or neglected or because other family problems exist that endanger their safety.  The children may range from infancy through 18 years of age and may have special medical, physical or emotional needs; the children may belong to any ethnicity or race and be part of a group of brothers and sisters who need to remain together. 

If you are interested in more information regarding the programs and would like to register for one of these virtual events or have questions about becoming a foster parent, please email Sara Johnson at johnsons@co.chautauqua.ny.us.  You can also visit www.chqhhs.com or our Facebook page, CCFosterParent.