(Pictured left to right: Tom Walsh, Tom Erlandson, Pierre Chagnon, Andrea McLean, PJ Wendel, Karen Rine, Christine McAllister, Bill Taylor and Paul McGarvey.)
STOW, N.Y. – Efforts to extend the South & Center Chautauqua Lake Sewer Districts (SCCLSD) were highlighted Monday with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The SCCLSD Board of Directors, County Executive PJ Wendel and other government officials gathered at the Hadley Bay Pump Station in Stow, NY to mark the occasion.
As a result of the extension, sewer services would connect over 400 developed parcels. The project is vital to the health of Chautauqua Lake, with connections replacing septic systems.
The septics are a significant source of phosphorus; which leaches into the lake either directly or via tributary waterways discharging into the body of water.
The project, which kicked-off in May 2019, included several new pump houses, around 15,500 feet of gravity sewer, 36,300 feet of pressure sewer and 200 grinder pumping stations.
In 2017, the capitol cost totaled $16,900,000 with over $7.9 million dollars occurred from grants and $8.9 million dollars from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation.