MAYVILLE, NY – The Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development (CCDPD) had another successful year of assisting with and enhancing collaborative planning and development initiatives across Chautauqua County.
On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development/CCIDA CEO; Rebecca Wurster, Planning Coordinator; Nate Aldrich, Economic Development Coordinator; and Dave McCoy, Watershed Coordinator, provided an overview of the Department’s work and accomplishments in 2024 and their 2025 Work Plan to the County Legislature’s Planning & Economic Development Sub-Committee in Mayville.
Last year, CCDPD focused on advancing 54 priority projects in alignment with the Department’s 2024 Work Plan; completed 4 plans and studies; administered 12 mandatory projects, boards, and committees; and facilitated 13 community outreach initiatives in planning, economic development, and watershed throughout the county. In addition, CCDPD was awarded 5 grants totaling over $3.38 million to assist with funding targeted projects.
The Division of Planning is responsible for overseeing the County’s education and allocation of planning resources, the promotion of sustainable growth, the protection and enhancement of the environment, and the advancement of a high quality of life for all residents. This is done through several exciting initiatives, plans, and projects within agriculture, housing, placemaking, community development, downtown revitalization, land use, outdoor recreation, transportation, waterfront development, and environmental planning. The planning staff work collaboratively with the division of economic development and watershed, as well as the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA, Chautauqua Regional Economic Development Corporation (CREDC), and its public-private economic development collaborative, the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG).
“The planners and staff within the planning division are committed to ensuring that Chautauqua County remains a vibrant, sustainable place for all to live, work, and play,” said Rebecca Wurster, Planning Coordinator. "We are truly fortunate to have planners whose knowledge, dedication, and skillsets guide us toward success. Their ability to navigate complex challenges and turn vision into reality is invaluable."
Within the Division of Economic Development, department staff collaborate closely with the CCIDA, CREDC, and CCPEG to advance an array of economic development projects and programs – including but not limited to, business assistance, shovel-ready site development, marketing, and other special community development projects.
Additionally, the department manages approximately 40 economic development contracts, including a number of Community Contract Agency Allocations, various ARPA and capital projects, New York State grant contracts, and 3% Occupancy Tax for Tourism Agency Allocations and annual competitive grant awards. In terms of State grant funding, the department is managing a $1.25 Million Empire State Development (ESD) RESTORE NY Communities Grant that assisted in the redevelopment of the White Inn in downtown Fredonia, and a $200,000 Office of Community Renewal (OCR) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for a Microenterprise Assistance Program (MAP) in partnership with Chautauqua Opportunities for Development Inc. (CODI).
According to Economic Development Coordinator, Nate Aldrich, “Our County Department of Planning & Development and our CCIDA team work seamlessly to advance a number of important economic development projects and initiatives. Our County economic development team is not only involved in special projects, but manage a number of county-funded contracts, state grant awards, and numerous ARPA projects.”
2024 was a both a busy and rewarding year for the Watershed Division. The Watershed side of our Department administrated more than 38 projects and initiatives, all of which focused on improving our natural environment and increasing opportunities for tourism and recreation.
Chautauqua County Watershed Coordinator Dave McCoy said, “Beginning the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (AER) project for Chautauqua Lake after ten years of Federal advocacy efforts will be key to assuring Chautauqua Lake will be clean and safe for generations to come. Seeing the Chautauqua Lake municipalities and long-standing lake organizations working collaboratively during the AER project scoping sessions was a wonderful thing to experience. Also, the County’s 2% Occupancy Tax Program carried eighteen projects. One of the most rewarding was co-funding the structural repairs to the Lawson Boating Heritage Center together with local foundations and New York State funding. This was a great example of everybody working together for a good cause. Lastly, we administrated eight American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) projects. One of my favorites was the purchase of lake maintenance equipment because it has enabled Chautauqua Lake stakeholders to work better together and with greater efficiency.”
“Once again, the County’s Department of Planning & Development has demonstrated why they are so important to the County. Not only do they undertake initiatives that are mandated by the state, they also carry out requests made by the County Executive and Legislature, along with other future-oriented projects to improve the quality of life for Chautauqua County’s citizens. We have top-notch staff in all three divisions, and we are fortunate to have them. I am really proud of the work we are doing in assisting our partners, including municipalities, in undertaking transformative and meaningful projects,” said Geise.
“It’s been exciting to see the Department mature and continue to gain momentum over the past several years. We have a stable and motivated economic development team that works well together and with the County Executive’s Office and Legislature. They tend to be a catchall for ideas and initiatives that don’t fit anywhere else in County Government, and they are always willing to step up and assist,” said PJ Wendel, County Executive.
The CCDPD 2024 Accomplishments and 2025 Work Plan Presentation can be found on the CCDPD website: planningchautauqua.com.
About CCDPD - The Chautauqua County Department of Planning & Development originates programs and activities aimed at improving the community, economy, and quality of life in Chautauqua County. The Department focuses on projects relating to Planning, Community Development, and Economic Development. For more information, please visit planningchautauqua.com.