
Chautauqua County Receives $10.6 Million In State Aid For Vital Bridge Repairs

Submitted by Justin Gould on
(Kiantone Road Bridge over Stillwater Creek, image by Justin Gould / Media Information Officer)

(Kiantone Road Bridge over Stillwater Creek, image by Justin Gould / Media Information Officer)

MAYVILLE, NY – Chautauqua County is slated to receive over $10.6 million dollars in state funding to rehabilitate and replace several bridges countywide.

The money was allocated as part of New York’s BRIDGE NY initiative, in which Governor Kathy Hochul announced Wednesday will provide $516 million dollars of enhanced assistance to localities across the Empire State.

Among the county project receiving funding includes $1.974 million dollars to replace the Wiltsie Road Bridge over Frew Run, $1.891 million dollars to replace the Summit Avenue Bridge over a tributary to Chautauqua Lake, $2.115 million dollars to replace the Kiantone Road bridge over Stillwater Creek and $561,000 to replace the Central Avenue culvert over Crooked Brook in the City of Dunkirk.

Funding for three town level projects was also highlighted, comprising of $1.64 million dollars for the Town of Villenova to replace the North Hill Road bridge over the West Branch of Conewango Creek tributary, $969,000 dollars to the Town of Pomfret to replace the Porter Avenue culvert carrying the inlet to Canadaway Creek and finally $1.451 million dollars was allocated to the Town of Carroll to replace the Wheeler Hill Road Frew Run culvert.

“We are grateful for this funding boost to help uphold one of the most important roles of local government: maintaining strong infrastructure,” explained Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel in a statement. “These projects, carried out by our local road crews and contracted labor, will keep our county highway system safe and reliable for decades to come.”

The State's BRIDGE NY initiative is aimed at helping local governments across New York harden their existing infrastructure while boosting resiliency of bridges and culverts.

Specifically, the state and local partners aim to reduce the risk of flooding, improve the resiliency of structures and facilitate regional economic competitiveness by maintaining important public thoroughfares like the projects listed above.


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