(Findley Lake has benefited from the In-Lake grant program)
MAYVILLE, NY – The application period for two Chautauqua County Lakes and Waterways Occupancy Tax Grant programs will open on January 1, 2025. These programs provide funding for projects involving lakes and waterways within the County and are funded through revenue collected through the 2% share of the County’s 5% Occupancy Tax.
“We are pleased to announce the 2026 Round of Occupancy Tax grants for our Lakes and Waterways, said Chautauqua County Watershed Coordinator Dave McCoy. We have two distinctly different grant programs, both of which are intended to increase Tourism and Recreation opportunities in Chautauqua County. Both programs are competitive because we get far more applications than we can fund”.
Chautauqua County’s Traditional 2% Grant Program focuses on watershed projects and has been available since 2009, while the 2% In-Lake Grant Program, which was new last year, focuses on shoreline and lake maintenance activities.
Projects such as streambank and lakeshore stabilizations, stormwater and agricultural runoff management fit well within the Traditional Watershed Program.
(An example of a successful traditional Watershed Program Project)
The In-Lake Program provides funding for lake maintenance needs on Bear, Cassadaga, Findley, Chautauqua and Lake Erie. The funding can be used for shoreline cleanup, submerged aquatic vegetation management, harmful algal bloom mitigation, dredging and flood mitigation projects that improve the lake’s usability for recreation and tourism.
McCoy said “Not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, businesses and all landowners of Chautauqua County are able to apply for projects located within the watersheds of Bear, Cassadaga, Findley, Chautauqua and Lake Erie. The minimum request for funding is $5,000 and the maximum request is $50,000.” Applications are available on-line on the Chautauqua County Legislature’s website at chqgov.com and on the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development’s website at PlanningChautauqua.com. Hardcopies of the applications are also available at the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development office, 201 West Third Street, Suite 115 in Jamestown, NY.