Chautauqua County has a five percent (5%) occupancy or “bed tax” for the rental of lodging units within the County. Three fifths (3%) of the revenue that is generated from this tax is utilized to increase tourism, conventions, trade shows, special events and other directly related and supporting activities including business in the county. The remaining two fifths (2%) bed tax is utilized solely for the enhancement and protection of lakes and streams in Chautauqua County through two competitive grant programs, both of which are intended to increase tourism and recreation opportunities.
There are two grant opportunities for lakes and waterways:
- In- Lake for projects located within Lake Erie, Chautauqua, Findley, Bear and Cassadaga Lakes
- Watershed for projects located within the watersheds of Lake Erie, Chautauqua, Findley, Bear and Cassadaga Lakes
The projects funded by both programs must demonstrate clear evidence how it will provide a public benefit.

Watershed Grant Program
Watershed Grant Program include water quality improvement projects within the watershed areas of Bear, Cassadaga, Findley, Chautauqua, and Lake Erie. Projects such as streambank and lakeshore stabilizations, stormwater and agricultural runoff management fil well within this program.
2026 Watershed Grant Application
2026 Watershed Grant Applications are due: April 1, 2025 by 4:00pm
- 2026 Watershed Ranking Sheet
- 2026 Watershed Short Environmental Assessment Form
- 2026 Watershed Operation & Maintenance Agreement
In-Lake Grant Program
In-Lake Grant Program will deliver funding for “in-lake” maintenance needs on Bear, Cassadaga, Findley, Chautauqua, and Lake Erie. The funding can be used for shoreline maintenance, mechanical or biological submerged aquatic vegetation management, chemical submerged aquatic vegetation management, invasive species management, harmful algal bloom mitigation, dredging and flood mitigation, and “unique project” to encourage the implementation of new in-lake projects that are likely to have a positive impact on tourism and creation but may not fit into the above project categories.
2026 In- Lake Grant Application
2026 In- Lake Grant Applications are due: April 1, 2025 by 4:00pm
Available Funds
The minimum grant amount available is $5,000, while the maximum grant amount is $50,000.
• Not-for-profit organizations
• Governmental agencies
• Businesses and corporations
• Public and private schools (Watershed Grant Program ONLY)
• All landowners of Chautauqua County
(Goose Creek - A 2% project funded in 2015)
Funding Agreement
Each project selected for funding will enter into an agreement (contract or agreement of service) with Chautauqua County that defines the obligations of the applicant and the County. This includes, but is not limited to, items such as; reporting, payment schedule, terms of the agreement, use of funds, cancellations, reporting, insurance, disability, and workman’s compensation. During the term of the agreement the applicant must allow access to the project area to the County Watershed Coordinator. Applicants are responsible for securing all permits necessary for work and fulfilling New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) requirements. Funding will only be applied to costs incurred under the agreement after the agreement has been signed.
Project Timeline
All projects awarded 2026 will be finished by December 31, 2026. Recipients of approved 2% projects that are not completed within the allotted timeframe may request an extension in written form to the Watershed Coordinator explaining why an extension is being requested. The extension requests will be reviewed and a determination will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Extensions shall not be extended beyond December 31, 2027.
Reporting Requirements
As the 2% project progresses, reporting with photographic documentation must be submitted to the Watershed Coordinator as defined in the agreement, which is typically at the initiation of the project, while work is underway, and at the completion of the project. All reporting will be consistent with the work plan (scope of services), timeline, and budget submitted as part of the application. Within 60 days of the completion of the project, the applicant must submit a project final report, which includes detailed financial information to the Watershed Coordinator in order to receive final payment.
Selection Process/Ranking Procedures
All applications submitted for 2% funding will be evaluated by senior staff and management within the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development. Each application will be ranked based on the quality and content of the narrative, the project’s impact tourism and recreation, and the degree of collaboration with stakeholders and the amount of Federal, State and Local funds included in the project budget
A ranked list with be prepared for review by the Chairman of the Chautauqua County Legislature and the Chautauqua County Executive. The highest-ranking projects will be included in the County Executive’s proposed Budget for 2026 and approved by the Chautauqua County Legislature for implementation during the 2026 fiscal year.
Evaluation Criteria and Weight
Watershed Grant Program |
In-Lake Grant Program |
(see Application Ranking and Evaluation form for more details)
(see Application Ranking and Evaluation form for more details) Since each of Chautauqua County’s lakes have different needs, it is unrealistic to establish a single scoring rubric that can be applied equitably across all lakes and all project categories without bias. The legislative intent of the In-Lake Program is to deliver funding for in-lake projects that will improve tourism and recreation opportunities in all of the County’s five lakes. Because the needs are great and the funding is limited, the In-Lake Program is competitive and applicants are encouraged to submit applications that reach or collaborate with multiple stakeholders to deliver the most impactful projects.