BUFFALO, NY - Buffalo Business First recently released its list of "Buffalo and Western New York Economic Development Agencies Ranked by Value of Deals in 2022", with CCIDA appearing near the top.
The list helps to illustrate the important role CCIDA plays in economic development across Chautauqua County through its various financial assistance programs.
Out of the 14 agencies listed, CCIDA ranked 2nd, providing assistance to 51 different economic development projects last year. The total value of all projects assisted by CCIDA was $500 million.
Only Invest Buffalo Niagara - a nonprofit economic development organization representing the eight counties of Western New York - ranked higher, offering assistance to eight projects totaling $952.8 million.
Among similar county economic development agencies, CCIDA was ranked at the top of the list, ahead of all other IDAs in Western New York.
For comparison, the total value of projects assisted by CCIDA was $173.7 million higher than the value of projects assisted by Erie County IDA, which ranked third overall.
The total value of projects assisted by CCIDA was also $350.68 million higher than those assisted by County of Cattaraugus IDA, $358.9 million more than those assisted by the Genesee County economic Development Center, and $465 million higher than those assisted by the Allegany County IDA.