
Chautauqua County Opts Out of Updating the 2021 County-Wide Shared Services Initiative

Submitted by FeldmanJ on Wed, 12/07/2022 - 10:21

MAYVILLE, N.Y.:-- The County-Wide Shared Services Initiative (CWSSI) generates property tax savings by enabling collaboration between local governments across the state. As indicated by Section 239-bb of the County-Wide Shared Services Initiative (CWSSI), as of January 1, 2022, each county outside of New York City is granted the choice in whether to participate in the CWSSI. County CEO’s are no longer required to annually convene a Panel and develop a new plan or revise and update a previously approved plan.

Based on these program changes, Chautauqua County has decided to opt out of updating the 2021 Chautauqua County County-Wide Shared Services Plan.  The 2021 Plan includes 9 projects which have been completed, or are working on being completed in 2022. Chautauqua County views 2022 as a year of implementation.

In 2023, County Executive Wendel along with the Department of Planning and Development, will work with the project partners and municipal leaders to submit applications in order to receive match funding for savings achieved from the implementation of new shared services actions completed in 2022. In 2023 the County will reassess the 2021 Plan and decide if there are new projects that would be eligible for match funding based on the likelihood of the implementation of these projects taking place in 2024.

For questions or comments on New York State’s County-Wide Shared Services Initiative please email Rebecca Wurster, Chautauqua County Planning Coordinator at wursterr@chqgov.com.


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