
Chautauqua County Launches Active Transportation Week

Submitted by Justin Gould on


JAMESTOWN, N.Y. – Today marks the kickoff of Active Transportation Week, orchestrated by the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development, in collaboration with the Department of Health and CHQ Transit.

Running through Friday, May 17, Active Transportation Week embodies a spirited call to action, urging local residents to explore alternative modes of transportation beyond personal motor vehicles. On Friday, this pedal-powered initiative will be complemented by two Group Bicycle Rides in Jamestown and Dunkirk, offering participants the chance to pedal alongside friends, coworkers, and family.

This local initiative resonates with a broader national movement aimed at curbing single-rider vehicle trips, mitigating CO2 emissions, and nurturing a more interconnected community. From strolling and biking to skating, bussing, or carpooling, myriad avenues beckon individuals to join the cause. Such endeavors underscore the strategic necessity of prioritizing accessible and sustainable modes of mobility.

"Encouraging a larger cohort to embrace public transit, cycling, or walking isn't merely beneficial for Chautauqua County; it's a collective triumph for all!" elucidated Stephanie Nick, Chautauqua County's Special Project Coordinator. "When our communities invest in facilitating safer and more convenient means of transportation, untethered from vehicular dependence, we all stand to gain. From substantial healthcare savings and personal expenditure reductions to the cultivation of local businesses and communities, the pivot towards accessible and sustainable mobility heralds the path to a brighter future."

For those eager to delve into the world of Active Transportation Week, comprehensive information on bus schedules and fares awaits online at chqgov.com/carts/CHQTransit.

For further details, reach out to Stephanie Nick at (716) 661-8214 or via email at mailto:nicks@chqgov.com. Alternatively, visit CHQGov.com to become an integral part of the movement towards a greener, healthier future.


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