
FOIL Request for Lead Testing

How can I find out if the house I am living in or buying has ever been tested for lead?

BEWARE!  If the property was built before 1978, there is a good chance that it contains lead paint. 

You CAN find out if Chautauqua County Health Department has ever tested your home for lead.  We do not have results if lead testing had ever been done by someone else.  If you are buying or moving into a new place and the owner says that testing was done, we advise that you ask for a copy of those test results. 

Accurate testing for lead involves using an EPA approved testing method, such as dust sampling or a surface by surface paint inspection using an x-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF), to detect lead. 

To find out if Chautauqua County Health Department has ever tested your home to confirm the presence of lead at your address, you must submit a Freedom of Information request (FOIL).   Here’s how:

Freedom of Information Request
  1.  Complete the form found here:  https://chqgov.com/form/foil-request-form
  2. In the box marked Record Identification, type:

Lead testing results for (type out the full address you are asking about, and include the unit # if it is an apartment)

  1. Complete the rest of the form with your contact information, and submit.  The request will be forwarded to our Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
Disclosure Rule

The owner/seller of a property is required by law to disclose the results of any lead testing done on the home to buyer/occupants. 


Your house may not have ever been tested for lead, but that doesn’t mean no lead is present. Anyone owning or living in pre-1978 housing should be aware of the potential danger of lead. Every year thousands of children in New York State are diagnosed with lead poisoning due to exposure to lead hazards during home repairs and renovations performed in pre-1978 housing without lead safe work practices.  Young children exposed to lead can develop permanent learning and behavior problems.  


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