
Lead Poisoning & Prevention

Lead Paint Poisons Kids! 

Lead poisoning can cause PERMANENT learning and behavior problems, but lead poisoning is PREVENTABLE.

We are working to PROTECT children in our community from lead poisoning.  How?  

HUD Lead CHHP – Chautauqua Healthy Homes Program

Chautauqua County Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program – Lead CLPPPP

  • Our Lead Poisoning Prevention Team will check any pre-1978 built home in Chautauqua County where a child under 6 spends 6 or more hours per week for lead paint. 
  • Landlords, homeowners, and tenants can request this FREE testing!   We check the interior and exterior for lead paint, and help you to get it fixed BEFORE a child becomes poisoned.
  • You’ll receive paint and other free supplies, along with training to do the work safely.   We offer FREE diapers, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, and cleaning supplies when we come to check your home.   Call, or email Lead Program Coordinator Anna Powell to get started!  PowellA@chqgov.com    716-753-4764
  • Free Lead Home Testing

Children with High Blood Lead Levels
(Elevated Blood Lead Level) -  EBLL

  • All children should be tested for lead at ages one and two, and anytime you believe  they have been exposed to lead.  If your child’s blood lead test comes back high, we are here to help!    Our Lead Poisoning Prevention Team will work with you to FIND and FIX the source of lead poisoning, and get that blood lead level down as quickly as possible. 

We are required by New York State Department of Health to do a home visit when a child tests high for lead, and will call you to schedule.  But, you don’t have to wait for that call!   As soon as you are notified that your child’s lead level is high, call us to get started:  716-753-4764

What else are we doing to assist in the fight against lead poisoning?

  • Free "Renovation, Repair, and Painting" (RRP) training for landlords and contractors
  • Free training on how to conduct "Lead Safe Work Practices" (LSWP) when doing repairs or remodeling in the home;
  • Outreach and education for pediatric practices, early childhood educators, and other community stakeholders.
  • Providing training and policy guidance for agencies, municipalities, and community organizations.  Email Lisa at Schmidtl@chqgov.com for more information. 
  • The Chautauqua County Coalition for Healthy Housing got its start over 10 years ago as the County Lead Task Force.  As it became increasingly apparent to community stakeholders that the housing issues affecting the health and safety of County residents went beyond childhood lead paint poisoning, the Lead Task Force expanded in scope and participants to become the Healthy Housing Task Force in 2018. It was re-named the Chautauqua Coalition for Healthy Housing in 2020.  The Coalition is currently coordinated by staff of the Chautauqua County Health Department, and members include organizations supporting maternal and infant health, education, health care, social services, and housing rehabilitation, along with realtors, rental property owners, elected officials, and tenants.  New members are always welcome.

    The Coalition is engaging in strategic planning, driven by the understanding that developing systems, policies, and programs to ensure safer and healthier affordable housing in this community will require long-term commitment and additional partnerships.  Please stay tuned for updates! 

    For more information, contact Lisa Schmidtfrerick-Miller, Schmidtl@chqgov.com, 716-969-2542. 


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