
SCLSD To Begin Westside Sewer Extension Phase 2

Submitted by gallagha on



Pictured, a map outlining the boundary of Phase 2 of the Westside Sewer Extension Project.


CELORON, N.Y.:--The South Chautauqua Lake Sewer District (SCLSD) is extending its sewer system to the west side of Chautauqua Lake to service approximately 520 parcels along a 3.6-mile stretch of New York State (NYS) Route 394 in the Towns of North Harmony and Chautauqua.


The Westside Sewer Extension Phase 2 is a continuation of an ongoing extension implemented as the result of existing private septic systems not meeting standards and/or approaching the end of their useful life. These septic systems are a significant source of phosphorus loading within Chautauqua Lake via direct or tributary waterways discharging into the lake. In 2002, the lake phosphorus level exceeded the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) guidance value of 0.020 mg/L, which is in place to protect recreational uses of lakes. In 2004, Chautauqua Lake was officially designated as an impaired waterbody by NYSDEC per Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act.


 SCLSD initiated Phase 1 of the Westside Sewer Extension in 2017 to extend the SCLSD to the Hamlet of Stow. Construction of the Phase 1 facilities is ongoing, and work is anticipated to be complete in early 2024. The SCLSD is now ready to initiate Phase 2 of the Westside Sewer Extension, which involves extending the district, generally along NYS Route 394, from the Hamlet of Stow to approximately Prendergast Creek, where the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District (NCLSD) service area begins, and west along Davis Road from NYS Route 394 to Camp Prendergast.


The project will be financed through a combination of state and federal grants and New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding (0% interest for 30 years). Chautauqua County anticipates securing $15 million from state and federal grants and anticipates applying for $9 million from NYSEFC.


The anticipated schedule for this Phase 2 project is to complete a project survey and design in Spring 2023 to Spring 2024, complete bidding and award a vendor with the construction contract in Summer or Fall 2024, and have construction take place from Winter 2024 through Winter 2026. 


For additional information and details please visit: https://chqgov.com/water-and-sewer-districts/west-side-sewer-extension-phase-2 .




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