
Water Laboratory Testing

The Environmental Health Unit maintains its own water bacteria testing laboratory for public and private water supplies. The laboratory is New York State and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved and certified to test potable (drinking) water and non-potable (bathing beach) water for total coliform and E.coli.

Samples are accepted Monday - Wednesday at the Hall R. Clothier Building in Mayville.  Samples must be transported on ice.  Samples that are not transported on ice will be refused.

Sterile bottles are available Monday - Wednesday only.  Sample processing fees are required before an empty bottle will be given.

Public Water Systems

The Environmental Health Unit routinely tests and monitors all community (cities, villages, mobile home parks) and non-community (restaurants, hotels) water supplies to ensure that total coliform and E.coli levels are absent.

Private Water Systems

The Environmental Health Unit tests private water supplies (homes and businesses) when properties are being sold / transferred or when a private homeowner requests a service call.  Private water samples collected by individuals other than Environmental Health staff are no longer accepted.  If you'd like to schedule a service request for a staff member to collect a water sample, please click here to complete the request form

Recreational and Non-Potable Water

The Environmental Health Unit routinely tests Chautauqua County permitted bathing beach water during the summer season.  Additional testing may occur in lakes, ponds and streams if conditions warrant public health safety concern.  Non-potable water is analyzed for E. coli bacteria only.

Water Sample Results

Parties will be notified of their water test results by phone if the results are deemed unsatisfactory.  All results will be mailed using the contact information provided on the sample card.

What are Coliform Bacteria?

Coliform bacteria are a group of bacteria that live in the digestive tract of all warm blooded animals (birds, cats, dogs, humans, etc.) and are used as indicator bacteria. Most coliform do not usually make people ill, since the bacteria naturally live in humans. However, the presence of these bacteria in water indicates that the water may have been in contact with fecal matter and the many viruses and bacteria that can cause illness.

Water Sample Fees

  • $25 per sample includes a sample bottle and analysis results - Sample collected and transported on ice by a public water supply operator. Fee will be collected before an empty sample bottle is given.
  • $55 per service request sample - Sample collected and submitted by Environmental Health Unit staff.  Fee will be collected when the appointment is scheduled.

If you have questions about sample collection and drop-off please view the Procedure for Collecting Potable Samples.


Events Feed

Chautauqua County Board of Health Meeting


Rabies Vaccination Clinic Chautauqua County Humane Society

The Chautauqua County Health Department (CCHD) is announcing a free rabies vaccination cli