
Boil Water Order And Mandatory Water Use Restrictions Lifted For Village Of Brocton And Town Of Portland Water Customers

Submitted by Justin Gould on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 13:02

MAYVILLE, N.Y. - The Chautauqua County Health Department (CCHD) has lifted the water conservation order for all Town of Portland and Village of Brocton water customers and has lifted the boil water order for water customers on Webster, Ellicott, and Dahlberg Roads. The water main break has been repaired, the mains have been flushed and two consecutive days of testing indicate that the water throughout the distribution system is safe for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, making coffee, etc.

The CCHD’s purpose is to promote and protect the health of our community and residents.  The CCHD works closely with water districts within the County to identify and correct health risks in public water systems.  As a courtesy, the CCHD works in partnership with municipalities to notify the public via multiple media platforms.

“Our Department proactively sent out a NY Alerts notification to ensure that residents were promptly informed about the boil water order and water use restrictions,” states Jessica Wuerstle, CCHD’s Director of Environmental Health. “We followed up with an expanded media release to provide additional information and details, as communication is key and remains at the forefront to keep the community informed and safe.”

“In order to do our work in a professional manner, we prioritize efficient and reliable communication, and consider it a core competency of our agency work,” states Lacey Wilson Chautauqua County Health Department’s Public Health Director. “We diligently follow standard procedures to ensure efficient and reliable communication via multiple mediums in order to reach our community as quickly and comprehensively as we can.  The New York Alerts system offers real-time alerts broadcast to those who are registered to the system making it an excellent media platform that we utilize to maintain robust and trustworthy communication. We strongly encourage residents to sign up to receive New York Alerts.” 

Residents who did not receive regular updates and alerts regarding the boil water order are encouraged to sign up for the NY Alert system. NY Alert is New York State’s Mass Notification System used to warn citizens of emergencies and critical information in a timely manner to help protect lives and keep New Yorkers safe. By signing up for NY Alert, residents can receive warnings and emergency information via the web, your cell phone, email and other technologies. Residents can sign up for NY Alerts at https://alert.ny.gov/sign-ny-alert-0.

Wilson continues, “Our duty to the public is to abide by standards and objectives set forth by state and local laws, codes, rules and regulations and apply them equitably and uniformly.  Therefore, for the health and safety of our communities, it is extremely important that our residents understand that the work we do as an agency and how we do that work, is based on standard and objective scientific procedures.”

For more information on Brocton and Portland water, please contact the Village of Brocton at (716) 792-4160, or the Town of Portland at (716) 792-9614.  Please contact the Chautauqua County Health Department at (716) 753-4481 or check the Health Department website at www.HealthyCHQ.com for updates when available.   

About Chautauqua County Health Department - The Chautauqua County Health Department is the leading Public Health organization in Chautauqua County dedicated to the support of the community’s health.  The Health Department takes innovative approaches to provide technical assistance to partner organizations, and offers various programs and services in order to help prevent disease, protect the public’s health and promote our community’s overall health and wellness.  For more information visit www.HealthyCHQ.com. 


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