
Boil Water Order Lifted For Brocton And Portland Water Customers

Submitted by Justin Gould on Fri, 07/21/2023 - 14:59

MAYVILLE, N.Y – The Chautauqua County Health Department has lifted the boil water order and water conservation order for all water customers in the Village of Brocton and for Town of Portland customers that are South of Interstate 90.

The water main breaks have been repaired, the mains have been flushed and two consecutive days of testing indicate that the water throughout the distribution system is safe for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, making coffee, etc. 

Residents who did not receive regular updates and alerts regarding the boil water order are encouraged to sign up for the NY Alert system.  NY Alert is New York State’s Mass Notification System used to warn citizens of emergencies and critical information in a timely manner to help protect lives and keep New Yorkers safe.  By signing up for NY Alert, you can receive warnings and emergency information via the web, your cell phone, email and other technologies.  Residents can sign up for NY Alerts at https://alert.ny.gov/sign-ny-alert-0

For more information, please contact Chadwick Bay Intermunicipal Water Works at 716-792-1900, the Village of Brocton at (716) 792-4160, the Town of Portland at (716) 792-9614, or the Chautauqua County Health Department at (716) 753-4481. Press releases issued by the Chautauqua County Health Department will be posted on the County website at https://chqgov.com


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