
Free Septic System Virtual Workshop on September 27

Submitted by gallagha on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 12:17


MAYVILLE, N.Y.: – With grant funds from the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute, the Lake Erie Watershed Protection Alliance (LEWPA) intends to provide educational resources to residents of Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and Erie Counties on how septic systems work and how to maintain them. A properly maintained septic system can save you money and protect local water ways at the same time! A virtual workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 7 - 8 p.m. Attendees will be eligible for a $30 rebate for a septic tank pump-out while funding is available.


Many Chautauqua County residents and businesses rely on septic systems to treat sewage and wastewater and to avoid community health hazards.  The large majority of septic system components are out of sight so it’s easy to forget how these systems work and why proper maintenance is so important.  


A recent study conducted by LEWPA demonstrated that bacteria from human waste washes into our waterways each time it rains. Inadequate and failing septic systems contribute to bacteria contamination as well as elevated nutrient levels, such as phosphorous and nitrogen, in the region.


More information on this virtual seminar can be found at www.tinyurl.com/septicsmart4LE and registration for this event can be completed at the following link: https://erie.webex.com/erie/j.php?RGID=r0a305d5f899628f2c5ed1d9d1f180018.






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