
In-Home & Community Care Services

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Home and Community Care services are designed to keep older adults safe and as independent as possible in the community. These services are for people who have chronic health conditions and have difficulty performing some daily tasks but are otherwise medically stable so unable to access insurance covered care. In-home services may include housekeeping/chores, personal care, home delivered meals, and personal emergency response systems. Community Care Options also include medical and Social Adult day services (see Adult Day Services).

NY Connects provides free screening and options counseling about all the in home/community services available in our county including but not limited to the ones listed below. Our operators are specially trained to examine your situation and guide you to the program that fits your needs and income. We make many direct referrals so in many cases you do not need to make another call to get things started. We send out applications (if needed) so you can get started before you meet with a case worker.

Call the NY Connects Helpline at 753-4582, 363-4582, or 661-7582 to discuss your long term care options at home or to discuss assisted living or nursing home care.  

Paying for home and community care: Private pay is always an option but may be difficult when needs are on-going for a long period of time no matter your income. Right after a hospitalization or rehab, you may be eligible for insurance covered homecare with a certified home health agency. Once people are stable medically but still in need of long term help with daily activities, there are a variety of programs through OFA, the VA and Medicaid that may help pay for in-home care.

Medicaid & VA Homecare: For people who are eligible for Medicaid or Veterans benefits we encourage people to apply for these benefits as they usually have a greater range of community care coverage options including meals, medical or social adult day, in-home personal care, and chore services as well as funding to pay for handicap adaptations to your home entrances or bathrooms. There are many different programs under Medicaid and the Veterans Administration so call NY Connects for prescreening and connection to someone who can counsel you.

OFA Homecare program: For those who do not qualify under VA or Medicaid, OFA has grant funds available for people 60 and over to help pay for some care through a licensed homecare agency. In addition, OFA may provide social adult day services, a personal emergency response system, and home delivered meals through this program. Cost-sharing means you pay on a sliding scale depending on the client's income and there are auto payment options to make this easier on clients and caregivers. Those who have very low income but are unable to access Medicaid, are not required to cost share. Instead they are asked to donate what they are able to on a quarterly basis, however no one is denied services because of their inability to donate. Donations are used to expand the program to more seniors. There are a few private pay options available through the OFA for people of higher income or for those who do not want to disclose financial information. These private pay options use the buying power of the county to provide a discount on services.

Expanded in-home Services for the Elderly Program ( EISEP) is the special name of OFA's homecare program. The OFA nurse does an initial assessment of the client in their home to gain a sense of services desired and needed. A financial assessment is also performed to see if cost-sharing or donations would apply. Seniors are informed of any costs before services begin. The Office with the Aging works closely with the local licensed home care agencies to provide care aides who perform services in the person's home. All licensed agencies are bonded and staff is trained and supervised. The Office for the Aging care managers contact clients every few months to coordinate, communicate and assist the client as needs and challenges arise.

For more information on in-home care services or to speak with someone to help guide you, please call NY Connects at 716-753-4582, 716-661-7582,716-363-4582 or email or search the NY Connects State website.

Chautauqua County Home Care companies list:

All licensed and certified home care agencies are overseen by the NY Department of Health and must adhere to strict standards set by the state. Certified Home Health Agencies provide part time, intermittent health care or restorative services like PT, OT & ST to individuals who need intermediate and skilled health care. Certified home care is ordered by your medical practitioner and is usually covered by insurance. Licensed home care agency services are typically maintenance-type services that support individuals long-term to remain in their home. The EISEP programs uses only licensed home care services.

Accredited Care Home Health Agency: Licensed

Aftercare Nursing Services: Licensed

  • Phone: 487-2273 Fax: 484-9584 Cell: 720-0110
  • Web Address

Caregivers: Licensed

Chautauqua Opportunities Licensed 

Lakeshore Long-term Home Health Program: Licensed & Certified

 VNA of WNY, Inc.: Certified

  • Phone: 483-1940 or 800-743-1940 Fax 488-0701
  • Web Address

Will Care, Inc.: Licensed & Certified

Personal Emergency Response system companies: A PERS is a signaling device to enable the user to call for assistance when needed by pushing a button and being connected to an operator that can assist client by calling for help. A greater variety of PERS companies can be searched for on line by using the search term "Medical Alarms."

  • Alert One
  • CST
  • Chautauqua County Medical Monitoring through Doyle Medical Monitoring
  • VNA Lifeline
    • Phone 716-630-8624
    • Email

RUOK: Are You OK- Alternative no cost option to PERS. This is a free computer generated call from the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Department to check on you daily at the time of your choosing. When you answer the phone it prompts you to "push any number if you are OK." If you do not answer or do not push the button, the sheriff will call someone you designate to check on you. If you or your designated person can not be reached, the sheriff will send a patrol car to check on you. Sign up for this free service through Office for the Aging. New features of the program include multiple calls and medication reminders. 

For more information on in-home care services or to speak with someone to help guide you, call NY Connects at 716-753-4582, 716-661-7582,716-363-4582 or email


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