
Wellness Programs

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Physical, mental, and emotional health is very important to your ability to age gracefully and staying independent through the end of life. Office for the Aging sponsors a variety of low cost/no cost exercise and wellness programs as well as the "Step It Up" guide which tells you about all the places you can be active in the county including schools, pools, walking and biking trails. See the Chautauqua Visitors Bureau for information about seasonal activities like festivals and events.

For more information on any of the programs listed below or to speak with someone who can guide you, call the local NY Connects Helpline at 753-4582,363-4582, or 661-7582.


Healthy Bones: Based on TUFTs University "Strong Women, Stay Young" this program helps increase bone strength through exercises with weights. Targets hips spine and wrist which are most likely to fracture due to osteoporosis and/or a fall. Usually runs for one hour, 2-3 days per week but many are on-going. Call to link with a Healthy Bones instructor in your area.

Living Healthy Programs: Do you have a chronic condition like diabetes, heart failure, asthma, high blood pressure, or chronic pain and feel like your health problems are running your life? This program developed by Stanford University teaches people how to control chronic conditions and enjoy life again. Classes are 1 hour twice a week for 6-7 weeks. Locations and start dates vary so call NY Connects to find one near you.

Tai Chi for Arthritis: It's all about maintaining flexibility and balance. This safe and easy to learn program has been proven to relieve pain, reduce falls and improve quality of life. Usually starts as a one hour program 2 days per week. Call to link with a Tai Chi instructor in your area.

Moving for Better Balance: This joint initiative with our local Y is another form of Tai Chi and Chi Gong (ancient Chinese martial arts) which improves muscle control and balance. You need to choose the type of exercise that helps you achieve your goals. Walking will not improve your balance and strength does not increase if you are not challenging yourself. If you want to improve balance try Tai Chi for Arthritis or Moving for Better Balance. Contact NY Connects for classes and locations.

Stepping on: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls is a 7 week program that addresses a variety of ways to reduce the likelihood of falling in older adults. Classes are highly interactive and address topics such as improving balance and strength through exercise, vision, medications, and home/community safety. The course is offered for two hours, once a week and includes presentations by a Pharmacist, Vision Specialist, Physical Therapist, and a Community Safety Expert. Contact NY Connects for classes and locations.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program developed to provide family caregivers with tools to better manage caregiving duties, reduce stress, and increase well being. PTC is based on the highly effective Chronic Disease Self- Management Program developed by Kate Loring and her colleagues at Sanford University. The program runs once a week for six weeks and each class is approximately 2 hours. Respite care is available through Chautauqua Adult Day Care. The program has a positive impact on caregivers, such as improved health and wellness, increased ability to handle stress, better use and knowledge of community resources. Contact NY Connects for classes and locations.

Exercise/Activities Resources: