JAMESTOWN, N.Y. - The Suicide Prevention Alliance of Chautauqua County is excited to announce their annual Glow Your Mind 5K Run/Walk is back live and in-person Saturday, July 22nd, 8:30 pm at the Northwest Arena, 319 West Third Street in Jamestown NY. Registration will begin at 7:00pm.
“We have missed hosting this event in-person.,” says Carri Raynor, Coordinator for the Alliance. “There is something powerful about coming together to celebrate hope. Historically, this is one of our largest attended events with over 500 people running together. We want to grow this event again, and encourage members of our community to join us in these prevention and awareness efforts.” New to this year is a partnership with a local downtown business, The Sprinkle Cone, where participants can visit after the 5K to receive $2.00 off their purchase of a handmade ice cream cone. Raynor says, “We want to make connections and partnerships with area businesses because we know community connection is important and lifesaving.”
The Glow Run, a fun, family and well-attended event, raises awareness of, and generates funding for suicide prevention. All of the proceeds from this event stay in Chautauqua County to further support outreach, awareness, prevention and training efforts. To register, visit runsignup.com or visit the Suicide Prevention Alliance Facebook page to find course details and additional information.
Participants can expect an atmosphere that is centered on taking care of our mental health. Each attendee will get a variety of glow sticks, necklaces and bracelets to wear during the 5K. This year’s race management will be provided by Trackqua. The glow run is a collaboration of the Suicide Prevention Alliance of Chautauqua County, Chautauqua Tapestry, and Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene. Thank you to our additional sponsors; Media One Group, The Resource Center, Fresh Press Studios, The Sprinkle Cone, and Combat Addiction CHQ.
To learn more about suicide prevention and awareness in Chautauqua County, visit preventsuicidechq.com. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, call 988 the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.