
Caregiving: Do I do that?

Submitted by Justin Gould on


By Dana Corwin Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services Director

Last year went by so fast! We did not get a chance to recognize all the work involved in providing a loved one care and assistance.  National Family Caregivers Month is celebrated each November and it is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers (also known as care partners) across the country. The Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services is charged with not only assisting older adults but also helping caregivers of any age.  However, our biggest challenge is getting people to realize they are a caregiver. You can be considered a caregiver if you regularly provide assistance to someone that needs help with aspects of living like managing medical needs, household tasks, managing mail/bills, emotional supports, or transportation- so many things!

Past themes for National Caregiver month have been: “Caregiving Happens” to reflect that most people do not sign up to be a caregiver, the reality is that caregiving just happens.  The 2024 Caregiver Action Network (CAN) theme was “I care… to highlight the importance of self-recognition and self-identity — key factors in caregivers’ access to essential support.”  So, are you a caregiver?  Yes, no, maybe, or not sure? Read on.

Caregiving happens when you’re running errands or in a meeting. Caregiving happens when you’re trying to get out the door to go to work.  It happens when you least expect it.  It may make you miss meetings or other appointments.  The people around you need may not realize that you may be running late because you’re picking up your loved one from chemo or your friend needs to understand that you’re not avoiding them, you’re caring for your mom with Alzheimer’s.  When #CaregivingHappens, it’s not always convenient or expected. The National Caregiver Action Network started a campaign in honor of National caregiving month called #CaregivingHappens to raise awareness of the role as a friend/family caregiving. You can benefit from knowing that there is a network of people who understand and are here to support you in your caregiving journey. There are many resources that can help along the way.

The New York State Office for Aging started a campaign with an organization called ARCHANGELS. They have a short questionnaire that can illuminate your caregiving intensity scale. We may not recognize the caregiving we do or we may understand and be in need of support along the way.  ARCHANGELS give s a quick assessment of where you stand.  Their tag line is “Any care counts -New York!” It is important to identify the role and understand the stresses and resources available to you as a caregiver in order to do the best you can-for your loved one and for yourself!  The process is simple, visit their website at https://www.archangels.me Take the short survey and understand how you may be dealing with caregiving-even identifying as a caregiver!

Caregiver Action Network (the National Family Caregivers Association) began promoting national recognition of family caregivers in 1994 to help elevate the importance of the work being done by caregivers.  It also seeks to connect caregivers to resources locally. You can visit CAN at  www.caregiveraction.org for resources and tools to support family caregivers.  Local Caregivers can call our NY Connects helpline at 716-753-4582 to be connected to local programs and services that can assist you with caregiving.  We also have trained The Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services has a Caregiver Support program. We can meet with you to discuss options and provide training, support, and respite when you need a break.  In addition, we have specific services for people caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Caregiving is not easy.  What starts out as occasional help for a friend or family member can turn into a daily commitment.  Most caregivers have young children and/or are working full time making life more difficult. That is why Office for Aging Services works with many community partners to provide respite care, in home care aids, Adult Day programs, emergency response services, safety items, training/support groups and on-line resources for busy caregivers.  We want to help busy caregivers get connected to the services but also keep you healthy and strong so you can continue caregiving.

In this new year, 2025 do some research on in-home care options to help with tasks like housekeeping, grocery shopping or bathing. Locally, you can NY Connects (716-753-4582) is the place to call for everything on community-based care options and supports for caregivers.   If your loved one lives in another state, you can research similar services on the Eldercare Locator website at www.eldercare.acl.gov by inserting their zip code or call 1-800-677-1116 to speak with a resource specialist.

The key to caregiving is to remember to take care of yourself so that you can continue to take care of the one’s you love.  Thank you to all the caregivers for all you do every day to help older adults live their best life. Stay well.


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