November has arrived. Fall is in the air and the weather is turning colder. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can help eligible individuals to heat their homes during this time. Individuals that are eligible can receive one regular HEAP benefit and could possibly be eligible for Emergency HEAP if needed.
The regular HEAP benefit started November 1st, 2024. For those individuals who may be eligible, they can receive one benefit per program year. This benefit helps the individual/family with heating their home. Eligibility is based on Income, household size, the primary heating source and the presence of a member of the household under age 6, age 60 or older or someone with a permanent disability. Your household may also be eligible if:
- A member of the household is a United Stated (US) Citizen or Qualified non-citizen.
- Your household size meets the current income guideline for household size.
- You receive the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
- You receive Temporary Assistance (TA). or
- You receive Code A Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
HEAP can assist with the following sources to heat your home with:
- Electricity
- Natural Gas
- Oil
- Coal
- Propane
- Wood/wood pellets
- Kerosene
- Corn
Regular HEAP Benefit Amounts 2024-2025
Base Benefit Amount Living Situation
2024-2025 HEAP Monthly Income Limits
In addition to Emergency HEAP, Eligible households are eligible for the Clean and Tune Benefit. This benefit allows eligible households to receive energy efficiency services such as the cleaning of the primary heating equipment. This may include chimney cleaning and minor repairs. This service allows for a safe, proper and efficient operation of the heating equipment.
Questions regarding any of the HEAP programs should be directed to your HEAP Local District Contact 716-661-8200 or the OTDA Hotline at 1-800-342-3009 or online at
If you need any further assistance please reach out to the Office for Aging Services and NY Connects either by stopping at one of our office locations, via email at or by phone at 716-753-4582.