
VIDEO: Chautauqua County to Host Press Conference in Honor of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Submitted by Justin Gould on Wed, 06/12/2024 - 08:00

MAYVILLE, NY – Chautauqua County is commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) with a special press conference Friday, June 14, 2024 at 2 p.m. outside of the County Courthouse.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was launched on June 15, 2006, by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations (UN). This day serves as a global call-to-action to unite communities in raising awareness about the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elders, and to reaffirm our nation’s commitment to justice for all.

The statistics are alarming: every year, an estimated 1 in 10 older Americans fall victim to elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. However, experts believe that elder abuse is significantly under-reported, with as few as 1 in 14 cases reaching the attention of authorities. The impact of elder abuse extends beyond individual victims, affecting public health and economic stability in our communities.

When we come together, we can make a difference. By putting support services in place and directing community resources toward addressing elder abuse, we can prevent it from happening. Our country must reaffirm its commitment to justice and build a robust support system that will benefit all of us as we age.

We hope you will join us at this important event to help raise awareness and promote the well-being of our elders. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.

The event will also be live-streamed on Chautauqua County's YouTube page, with a recording available for those unable to attend in person.


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