
Weatherization Assistance Program

Submitted by Justin Gould on

Let’s talk about the Weather. The weather has hit us harder this winter.  With the snow and wind during the past winter months, people are spending more on heating. The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) may be some assistance for families.   

Weatherization is the process of making a house more energy efficient and protecting it from the elements. It can also improve the safety and comfort of your home.  Weatherization can save money on heating and cooling costs.  It can address energy-related hazards and improve safety standards.  Weatherization can make a home more comfortable. Some benefits of weatherization are energy savings as well. 

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) assists families and individuals by reducing their heating and cooling costs and improving the safety of their homes through energy efficiency measures.  Energy efficiency measures performed through the program include air sealing (weather stripping, caulking), attic and wall insulation, heating system improvements or replacement, efficiency improvements in lighting, hot water tank and pipe insulation, and refrigerator replacements with highly efficient Energy Star rated units.

Both single-family and multi-family houses and buildings are assisted. Household energy use reductions and resultant energy cost savings are significant, with an average savings in excess of 20%. In New York State, the Weatherization program is administered by NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR).

Program services are available to both income-eligible homeowners and renters, with priority given to senior citizens, families with children and persons with disabilities.  Households with incomes at or below 60% of state median income are eligible for assistance. See the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Income Guidelines for income eligibility.

If a household contains a member who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Public Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefits, the household is considered automatically eligible for weatherization services.

Some services that are beneficial, but not limited to are:


  • Clean, tune and or replace heating and/or cooling systems.
  • Install duct and heating pipe insulation
  • Repair leaks in heating and cooling
  • Install programmable thermostats
  • Repair or replace water heaters


  • Install insulation where needed
  • Perform Air sealing
  • Install Window film
  • Repair or replace windows and doors.

Electrical and Water:

  • Install efficient light sources
  • Install Low flow shower heads
  • Replace inefficient refrigerators

Client Education:

  • Educate on potential household hazards such as Carbon Monoxide. Mold and moisture, fire and indoor air pollutants, lead paint and radon.
  • Discuss the benefits of using energy efficient products. 

Health and Safety:

  • Perform Heating system safety testing
  • Perform combustion appliance safety testing
  • Repair and Replace vent systems to ensure combustion gas drafts are outside.
  • Evaluate Mold and moisture hazards 

Providers purchase and use materials that meet state and federal government standards. HCR offers providers training in quality control and material use. All services are provided without charge or obligation to the occupant of the home. However, owners of rental buildings are required to invest funds toward the cost of the Weatherization services.

Individuals wishing to apply should contact their local provider. For Chautauqua County contact Chautauqua Opportunities, Inc.  at 716-661-9430.  The first step will be an energy efficiency audit.  For more information, please feel free to visit    https://www.chautauquaopportunities.com/energy-audits/ or https://otda.ny.gov/workingfamilies/wap.asp.

If you need any further assistance please reach out to the Office for Aging Services and NY Connects either by stopping at one of our office locations, via email at ccnyc@chqgov.com or by phone at 716-753-4582.


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